Further Reading:

"A Few Days In Athens"

This charming novel — called by Thomas Jefferson “a treat of the highest order” — follows a young philosopher as he interacts with some of the great masters of Athens.

A lovely novel by Frances Wright, A Few Days In Athens is a remarkable achievement. Through somewhat archaic writing it draws the reader to a better understanding of epicureanism, like the sound of a stream calls to a thirsty traveler.

Our hero is introduced to Epicureanism and fights through the bias of his peers in Zeno’s school of stoics to discover the truth about this principled way of living.

You can read this book for free online, or buy our annotated Kindle version with over fifty editorial notes ($4.99). Our version includes:

  • Over fifty annotations, clarifying allusions to ancient Greeks and often with additional context and stories
  • Modernized punctuation and editing for clarity
  • Images of historical characters in the novel
  • A short biography of the author Frances Wright